Friday, February 26, 2010

The future of Failaka Island

This is gonna be beautiful - if they ever complete it! - Sorry for no subtitles I will explain any questions

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Celebrity look-alike fail

The Hours - Ali in The Jungle

"It's not how you start, it's how you finish. It's not where you're from, it's where you're at. Everybody gets knocked down, how quick are you going to get up?"

Thursday, February 18, 2010

"A foolish man may be known by six things: Anger without cause, speech without profit, change without progress, inquiry without object, putting trust in a stranger, and mistaking foes for friends." - Arabian proverb

I'm a fool.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony

I still remember when I first heard this song, it was in Manchester's Trafford Centre at the foodcourt. It had a Titanic theme and a huge screen in the middle playing random songs and previews of movies. Great song.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

My name is Khan and I am not a terrorist.

I got back a few hours ago from watching "My Name is Khan" at a random cinema just outside Richmond - the only one showing this movie. Last time I went to see a Bollywood movie at a cinema was back in Kuwait, atleast 4-5 years ago ... The movies are a minimum 3 hours and always have a intermission so your ass doesnt get numb from sitting down.

It had Sharukh Khan and Kajol, and thanks to the english subtitles I kinda liked it. I was about 5 mins late and there were hardly any seats left, I actually had to sit in the very first row - the theatre was packed with Desi people, kids, families and couples. Actually as I was walking down the rows I could smell that distinct scent of them, reminded me of back home!
My sisters love Bollywood movies and especially the ones with Sharukh Khan, he's more of an icon in India than Brad Pitt is here. It had a good message about religion and how its misconcepted; but very unusual - no dancing.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Its frustrating and I have serious problems with it, insomnia.

You're in bed for almost 2 hours now, body absolutely exhausted, mind tired but wide awake. You look at the alarm clock on the side, its 1 am, count the hours you have left till you gotta be up and at first think OK thats not bad, shortly after another hour passes, thats when you rotate the clock so that you cant see the time. Those pills you took earlier arent strong enough

The next day is just ruined, you can't be productive and you're tired so always seem to be in a bad mood or have attitude. Some people can fall asleep in under 5 mins, I want to know the secret.

Sleep well.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Coffee قهوة

Coffee. Being in the US, I realise that some people here cant survive without it. I've never been one of those people, actually I hate the taste of most types of coffee but love the aroma when its roasted. If I have to get coffee, its usually an extra extra hot, vanilla latte - its gotta be that hot.

In the Arab Gulf, coffee is sort of like beer in the US or chai in India or China. We greet visitors with Arabic coffee and fresh Dates. Our coffee is kinda different, theres alot of cardamon and saffron and that gives it a golden colour - its very strong. There is a code or etiquette when it comes to serving it, usually the bedoiuns are much more strict on this - the coffee cups are really small and the coffee is served from a 'Dallah - دلة'

When pouring the coffee you gotta have the Dallah in your left hand and the coffee cup in your right, so that when you serve it to the guest, he recieves it from your right hand. The amount you pour is really important too, if you fill it - its considered rude and gives the message that you want that person to stop drinking more, so always about half the cup is enough

So why am I writing a whole entry about coffee? I think I had too much of it today and still awake after 28 hours .. Yeah, I had an exam and I have a really bad habit of studying the night before. Anyway should go to bed early tonight, football at 8:30 AM!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Entry #1

Well, this is my first entry, I know there are 2 people following me so I guess this is directed to them. Anisah is my inspiration for starting this blog, let's see if I can keep it up!

Hi Ansiah, Hi Erin (bold to show that it's not Nick)
It's 3:16 am. I'm tired, hungry, bored but trying to study - I have an exam today and tomorrow. It's not going too well since I have Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, Hotmail and now - a blog or journal all open

I learnt the entire Map of the World, which is pretty cool - now, whenever someone says "Oh I'm from Nicaragua" instead of just nodding and smiling, and in my head thinking it's somewhere in Africa (that's where I assumed most countries I don't know are located) - Instead, I'll reply and say "Nicaragua! Wow! That's to the north of Costa Rica and south of Honduras" and something good will come out of that

Went to the gym today, intentions were to run the usual 3-5 K but I can't help it when people are playing football, its a magnet. Still did alot of running though

Stayed in the library till it closed, I couldn't focus even though I was on the 4th. I spent most of the time watching live NASA TV - its amazing, live footage of the Endeavour and a Japanese space station

Gotta be up at 8, so I better end this and study for a few more hours