Saturday, March 6, 2010

Too much food - DAY 1

So I kinda decided to write a little summary of my day for the next 2 weeks, it'll be nice to share and maybe look back at this to remember things.
Thursday was a crazy busy day for me, I packed my stuff in a hurry got a few things sorted, made a few CD's with my favourite songs and washed my car too. My brother Yousef and his best friend al Marzouqi from Sharjah, UAE were late arriving at Richmond and I missed my last lunch with the smartest Astro kids

I had 2 Red Bulls and a venti Vanilla latte, that's alot of caffeine and taurine in one day but I had 15 hours of driving and we set off from Richmond at around 11 pm - only stopping for petrol and when I felt my ass got numb and sometimes played football at the station. In the beginning it was pretty fun, everyone is talking and we hadn't seen each other for a while so it was good to catch up, by the time we were in North Carolina all I could hear was the snoring - they were exhausted

After a while on the road, your eyes stay focused and I start day dreaming and realise Im speeding, 20-25 mph above the limit - its good cause the roads are almost empty and the expected time on the GPS gets lower and lower!

By the time I was in Georgia, I saw the first Palm trees and soon later sunrise, it was great - I stopped to pray el Fajr at some random station ... Yousef woke up too we both washed up, made our wudu and prayed ... Freezing cold and you could sense people staring haha

I let al Marzouqi drive the last 4 hours and I tried to get some sleep in the back while they took funny photos. By the time we got to Miami we were really tired, stopped by at a random hotel, showered and cleaned up and were ready to go and check out South Beach. It kind of reminded me of Salmiya, Kuwait very similar style - had dinner at Cheesecake Factory at Aventura mall, had around 4 scoops of Ben and Jerry's and finished off the night at one of the worst movies - Alice in Wonderland, made for weirdos

Oh yeah not forgetting to mention this is officially the day I ate the most, Yousef too - I need a separate post to list everything

Till tomorrow, Im tired


  1. Thats a good idea! I always try to write in a journal or something when I travel. During Costa Rica I filled an entire book lol.
    Haha why yes we are the smartest astronomy kids. We have been getting straight 100's on the last few quizzes (you have to, by default)and I've actually been paying attention... kindof.
    Thats cool about South Beach, I've never been but I've heard it nice.
    I'm not sure I trust your judgement about Alice in Wonderland though lol. I bet it's amazing haha

  2. SO MUCH DRIVING. I love to drive, but I don't know if I'd be able to handle it. I'm so glad you're keeping up with this blog during your trip because I'm living vicariously through you.
    You had to have your ice cream! Of course!
    And I'm glad you're having fun, and you got a little taste of Salmiya- American style! Haha awesome post!
