Sunday, March 14, 2010

Days 7-8 At Sea, Bahamas, Orlando

I woke up early today right after sunrise, thirsty. Forgot to mention, Im not having ice cream sundaes late at night again, that stuff was too heavy I couldn’t sleep! There were barely any clouds outside, outside on the deck I tried to see if I could spot any whales or if I was lucky – dolphins. Some people say they have but they must look very hard I guess. I did see a couple of seaguls, meaning there was land close by - the Great Stirrup Cay of the Bahamas. There’s another small bird, flies really close to the surface and then goes in water and just disappears. The water is a really dark blue, depth is around 500 metres - just makes you wonder what is actually down there. The Arabian sea has a different colour, it’s not as deep maybe 35 metres maximum and has more a of a turqoiuse colour. There’s water as far as your eyes can see from all directionsI had breakfast alone today, people around me this morning all spoke a different language a couple behind me in Spanish, infront of me was an old South African lady from the accent Im guessing and a few from the US

It’s kind of funny how far people travel away from home but they look for the same comforts , this ship has everything from restaurants, a mall, theaters, bars, dance clubs – the whole reason of traveling is so that people escape from these, right?

I met some people from the US today, both go to a universities in Orlando - they shared some of the same opinions about the kind of people on this ship. Theres alot of those really rich elegant yet ignorant people, blinded by things in life like money, jewelry and missing out on the best things that are free

There's alot to say but I dont feel like writing anything, I spent a day at the Bahamas, there was a storm, strong winds, mean sky - very memorable. Dropped my brother at Miami airport and countinued to Orlando, till the next time

1 comment:

  1. Whenever I hear people speaking Spanish around me I always eavesdrop and try to see if I can understand their conversation lol.
    Yeah we saw alot of those types of people when we were in Santorini, in Greece.
    I think there's mainly 2 categories of people in regards to traveling- the tourists and travelers. Tourists want the comforts of home they want to be around people who are like them and don't have any interest in the local culture. I think what they basically want is a nice beach and thats fine, but they're missing out on so much. For me, the best part of traveling is stepping out of your comfort zone and opening yourself up to new experiences.
