Friday, October 15, 2010

Where to find Happiness

Does true happiness in this world come from getting all that we wish from delicacies to entertainment, or is there a different understanding?

For most people, celebrities seem to be the happiest of people, why? They have money, fame, spouse, kids - let's take Elvis Presley as an example - he had it all, handsome, healthy, extremely rich, had all the women he wanted and got married to one of the most beautiful woman of that time.
Although he had all these enjoyments, do you know how this legend died? He was found dead in his bathroom from an excessive amount of drugs - and everyone who reads his biography knows that he didn't really live a happy life, he was full of sadness and depression.

Elvis Presley and alot of us look for happiness in the wrong places. A guy thinks that if he gets to know a specific girl, he'll be the happiest person ever, a businessman thinks that if he reaches a certain deal and gets alot of money then he will too be the happiest man. A girl believes thatif she got married to a particular guy, she'll be the happiest girl!

All of us look for this happiness at places outside of ourselves and at the surroundings, and everyone knows that if we've found what we were looking for, we then get this feeling of emptiness and start looking for another goal to fill this emptiness. All of the philosophers, scientists, prophets have agreed that true happiness is defined as an 'Inner Peace'. It's a reassurance, you feel it inside you, despite what's happening around you.

If we wanted to tell the difference between someone that is happy and someone that is unhappy then look at them during times they face difficulties - you'll find that when the happy person faces a disaster, he might get sad, an that's natural but it only lasts for a day or two and then he's back to normal. On the other hand an unhappy person, when he faces a disaster you'll find him getting depressed, taking drugs, smoking and he'll stay like that for a while , probably messing up his life because of what happened to him. This how you can tell who really has this inner peace and who lacks it.

In the Qu'ran we find that the word "Peace" and "Reasurrance" were found 31 times, whereas the word "Happiness" was only repeated twice in cases relating to heaven and afterlife. And also, we find that part of prayer we recite peace upon the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and the righteous believers and we conclude the prayer with "Peace be upon you", so is the Islamic greeting "Assalamu Alaikum" which again means Peace be upon you. Therefore, we find that the main goal for us being Muslims is to find this inner peace within ourselves.

"Know that happiness in this world comes from releasing the world from your heart"
- Badi' al Ziman al Noorsi

(From Ahmed al Shugairi's 'thoughts')

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