Saturday, February 5, 2011

Mobile/Cell Phones

I've been reading "Anti-Cancer - a new way of life" by David Servan-Schreiber, one section talks about the use of Cell phones, so here is some advice to all of you:

1) Do not let children under 12 use mobile phones, they are most sensitive to Electromagnetic fields

2) During phone calls try to stay as far as possible from the phone itself - 10 cm/ 4 inches
so try using the loudspeaker function as much as possible - or use a Bluetooth headset

3) Keep away from people who are using their mobile phones and avoid using yours in the subway, train or bus

4) When going to sleep and I think the majority of us keep our phones next to us, on a nightstand or maybe even under the pillow - always choose Airplane or offline mode - better still keep it as far as possible ... Buy an alarm clock!

5) Phone calls should be short, if you have a long conversation use the LANDLINE phones, better than the cordless, since the biological effects are linked to the duration of the call

6) When using your phone, regularly change the ear you use and BEFORE you put the phone to your ear, wait for the other person to pick up - this reduces the electromagnetic field

7) Avoid using your phone when the signal is WEAK - power output will be at maximum

8) Use text messages instead of calls

9) Use a phone with the lowest possible SAR "specific absorption rate" - you can find this out by visiting the website of your phone.

10) Purchase a Radiation blocker or filter, a small item you attach to the speaker of the phone, the size of a paperclip - such as 'Wave Shield'

Thursday, January 20, 2011


I went to watch Arabia for the 3rd time at the IMAX here in Kuwait, previously I watched it in the US at the IMAX dome in English.  The documentary is about the history, both Pre-Islamic and modern day, rise and fall of the Golden ages and civilisations of the Arabian Peninsula  with a great message to all viewers and a look at the promising future. Although it is targeted mainly at Western viewers, in my opinion those who will benefit it from it the most are the Arabs. Only a handful now know about the history of the area.  Filmed in Makkah, Medinah, Madai'n Saleh, Riyadh, Jeddah and the Red Sea - all within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. You should check it out, the official website is here.  I leave you with a trailer, enjoy!